

We put an offer on a house last night, please pray for it. The house got 90% of what we need, except for a green, big back yard. This house got a super small yard,  no green grass at all but only concrete floor . This morning I pray and talk to God: dear father, I just need a green space to breathe and have piece in you. Why is it so hard? Do I request too much for that ? My own little oasis? 



God respond me in whisper : "Of course it's important to have piece and rest time. That is exactly why I place you by your husband. Your being suppose to be his oasis as well". Not only the message, I also saw a 3D picture in the heart that God showed me what is the link and meanings of the oasis in relationship. (I saw a building locate on a very small lot, only a very little green space by the building on the lot. The building transferred into my exhausted husband and breath difficultly through the green space, and I saw myself image in the green space. )


上帝輕輕地回應我:擁有平安和寧靜和喘息空間當然很重要,....這就是為何我把妳放在Daniel 妳丈夫的身邊。妳的存在就是他的綠洲。我不單單收到訊息,更在心裡頭收到一個google map 空照圖3D動態影像,被巧妙地連結轉化成關係上的綠洲的意義。我看到疲憊不已的Daniel化身成為蓋得太滿的建築,又在傍在建築旁的一塊小綠地上看到我的身影,而Dan正在透過這塊綠地呼吸。

That is exactly the typical type of holy spirit's work. Not only a  kind and gentle reminder to me, an answer to my question, a new vision to my role, a hint to my calling , but also a teaching and a profound insight with multiple meanings followed with it. This message, filled  me with love, understanding, and tolerancewith specificity . 

這樣的經驗,真的是聖靈工作的標準印記。不但是輕柔仁慈的提醒,是對我疑問的回答,是對我該扮演角色及呼召的重新認識,更是一個帶有多重意義,針對我的現況的教導和深刻省思與覺察。這樣的訊息,充滿了愛,理解,和包容, 但仍然精準無比。

"Slow down, my daughter, you push it too hard. ( there is nothing you need to prove yourself. ) Relax, take a deep breathe ...and give your husband a break.  There you go. Now you know what to do. "


"My child, You don't need an actual green space to have piece. I am always your oasis. Anytime, anywhere. "





We are waiting for agent's respond right now. It's turned out to be the competing offers among 3 groups of people, and we are the third one to put an offer in. We did not put a good price on the offer, even though we know it's a competing situation. k below the listing price, because of the  back yard. Our agent had a sigh when she got the number. She seemed try to say something, but she bite her tongue eventually.  My attitude was: if we don't get it, so be it. I won't feel sorry at all ! Dan knows my heart , so I got a mail from him  with some listing options, all with big back yards. I can see he spent quiet amount of time on research. 


Surprisingly enough, we got a counter offer back, 2k more, than the house will be ours . We need to respond it right away. Dan called me and told me: "Baby, you don't have to do this. We can still find another house with a good size backyard. "


"But then it will be so far away from your work!  "


"That is okay, it will be pretty much the same time on high way anyway. " Dan said.  I got tears in my eyes, for he is willing to work so hard and trying to meet my need. This is the love of sacrifice , with his single income, his best ability. God opened my eyes, and I can see now how lucky I am to have a husband like this ! 


"No, it would be too risky, too much stress, and too exhausted for you, specially in winter snow days. "I said. "You are totally responsible for our financial situation , if you think it's good for us, I will support any decision you make. We are still fairly new to the city and the country,we need to make decisions practically . Maybe 5-10 years later, when we get more stable in finance, then you get me my dream house. For now, I can wait."


Suddenly, I realized that the meanings of a room to breath, not only meant timely and physically, but also meant financially. 


And as usual, there is never a yes or no, right or wrong answer provided , for God always give me the choices of free will. And I am still so impressed with the power of the message, while it happened so quick like a breath and last only in seconds. And the impact of the message just like echoes of the bell, followed with one layer meaning after another. Not only multiple meanings, but also multiple functions .  The more I taste it , the deeper it goes. And I spent 3 good hours after to just barely record the most message happened in 3 seconds. 




Before I close it up, the last layer of message just came upon me: "my child, the garden which really needs your time/effort to work on and harvest, is not locate in your backyard , but locate in people's hearts. 



I can totally understand and experience Jonah's reaction at that moment. 



Interesting enough, while I was still chewing and swallow the last message, I  got a call from our realistic agent, who informed us that the seller accepted our counter back offer. (The listing price is already pretty reasonable. We got a final price even below the listing price ) . The house without a green yard. Agent told us that she has never seen something like this before!!! She thought we could not get the house !


Well, I think I know why. After all, God has spent all morning to prepare me in advance, for me to accept the final result more easily. 


Ps: I still receive sub-messages relate to it on the next following days. The next day morning, when I stepped on the scale, I was so surprised to find out that I lost 1.6 kg only in a day. Of course I know that I did not take enough water and food for busy receiving messages and writing them down, but more so, I know God removed some of the burdens in the heart as well. Believe it or night, those spiritual burdens have weight. 



SO,this is the house that we are going to move in !


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